ISO 13485:2016

Seca Medical Scales

Seca approached Nectar with the goal of creating a medical-grade, robust scale for the US market. Nectar visited hospitals to get a comprehensive understanding of how scales were used and what the biggest challenges were in the hospital environment. Nectar evaluated the competitors and determined the PROs and CONs for each model. Based on our findings, Nectar came up with an action plan for how to achieve success in the US market.

woman moving Seca Medical Scales

Finding what was missing

Nectar determined that the key element that was missing from all of the competitors was flexibility. Every hospital is set up differently, and floor space is usually at a premium. Nectar’s objective quickly became to design a medical scale that is easily accessible by the nurse and the patient no matter where it is placed in the hospital.

Modular approach


Changing the world one breakthrough medical device at a time.

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